& Leader

“Imagine you could open your eyes to see only the good in every person, the positive in every circumstance, and the opportunity in every challenge.” -THE REBBE

There aren’t words that could do justice to describe the Lubavitcher Rebbe. He has hundreds of thousands of followers and millions of admirers, is the world’s foremost figure in Judaism and is responsible for the spiritual awakening of world Jewry circa WWII.

The Rebbe, as the Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses) and leader of our generation, and 7th Rebbe of the Chabad Lubavitch Organization (the world’s largest Jewish educational outreach organization) through the utmost of self-sacrifice, has been responsible for over 8,000 Chabad emissaries being sent to the farthest corners of the world to ensure Jewish identity, proper Torah education, and preparation for the imminent Redemption.   

The Rebbe’s leadership is not only directed to the Jewish People, but to humanity at large through the encouragement of the adherence of the G-d given 7 Universal Noahide Laws, described and codified in US law, as the “ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded.”

Yud Aleph Nissan, 5738 (April 18, 1978) was inaugurated by President Jimmy Carter as National Education Day, and has since been proclaimed by every subsequent presiding President annually on the Jewish birthday of the Rebbe, the 11th of Nissan (the only day on the civil calendar that changes yearly based solely on the corresponding Hebrew date).

As one of the most accessible public figures in the world, through personal meetings, letters and public gatherings the Rebbe has advised Rabbinic leaders, heads of state and political figures on matters of national and international importance, and Jews and Gentiles-from every country and walk of life.

The Rebbe teaches us that all solutions to problems come by approaching a situation from a higher plane of awareness, and by highlighting the positive potential that we all possess, enabling one to exercise his or her hidden ability. His manifest and unbounded concern for the welfare of all mankind is accentuated specifically by his concern for public education and knowledge with an emphasis on character building and moral and ethical values.

The Rebbe’s ultimate desire and vision is to see the world perfected, not only to put an end to the worlds’ pain and suffering, but because the era of Moshiach is the ultimate completion and purpose for which it was created. The Rebbe told us “We stand poised at the threshold of a spiritual revolution, a world filled with Divine knowledge, the time of Moshiach. A single good deed on your part can transform the world.”

The Rebbe MHM calls upon every one of us to consciously connect and work towards the furtherance of this goal. It is our heartfelt dedication and mission to assist the Rebbe in his powerful mission by inspiring today’s young adults, our future leaders, to add in deeds of goodness and kindness and do whatever is possible to hasten the arrival of the immediate Redemption.